Rajvi Thakore

Graduate Student


Rajvi hails from Ahmedabad, India and has a BA (honours) in German Studies and an MA in German Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. In the course of writing her MA thesis entitled „Begrifflichkeit und Begreifbarkeit: eine sprachkritische Untersuchung zwischen Erkenntniskritik und Kulturkritik“, her interest arose in questioning ideas of language, thought, and writing. 

At Cornell, she is pursuing a dissertation project to examine the relation between literature, linguistics, and philosophy in the long twentieth century with the following foci: skepticism and Wiener Moderne, post-war existentialism and hermeneutics, and phenomenology in the age of digital technology. 

In her free time Rajvi enjoys going to the Cornell Cinema.


Beyond Resistance and Resignation: Analysing Agency in/through Jurek Becker’s Jakob der Lügner. Presented at the German Studies Association (GSA) 48th Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2024

The Dialogical Self – Mediating between Martin Buber, Vilém Flusser, and Hubert Hermans. Presented at the Symposium "New Directions in German Studies", Cornell University, Ithaca, March 2023

GERST Courses - Spring 2025
