Rajvi hails from Ahmedabad, India and has a BA (honours) in German Studies and an MA in German Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. In the course of writing her MA thesis entitled „Begrifflichkeit und Begreifbarkeit: eine sprachkritische Untersuchung zwischen Erkenntniskritik und Kulturkritik“, her interest arose in questions of metalanguage and metawriting.
At Cornell, she is pursuing a dissertation project to examine the relation between literature and philosophy since the Jahrhundertwende (1900) with the following foci: skepticism, existentialism, and phenomenology. Other areas of her interest and research are German intellectual history (esp. contentions between epistemology, ontology, and aesthetics), science fiction, technology, and material culture.
When not reading or writing, Rajvi frequents Cornell Cinema and Fuertes Observatory to watch films and the night sky, respectively.