Congratulations from the Department of German Studies

Congratulations from the Department of German Studies


Dear Graduating PhDs in German Studies,

The entire Department of German Studies warmly congratulates Jette Gindner and Stephen Klemm, both of whom submitted their dissertations during the past academic year and completed their PhD degrees in German Studies! Dr. Gindner’s scholarship is dedicated to contemporary literature and political theory, and Dr. Klemm’s research focuses on German literature of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Much to the Department’s delight, both of our newly minted PhDs have found full-time academic employment at excellent institutions. Professor Gindner is already teaching as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Germanic Languages & Literatures at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Professor Klemm, after teaching one year as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Los Angeles, will begin his tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor of Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture at Occidental College this coming fall.

With heartfelt congratulations and best celebratory wishes from all faculty, staff, and students in the Department of German Studies on your Cornell graduation and all your extraordinary accomplishments!

On behalf of everyone in the Department of German Studies,

Peter Gilgen, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Leslie A. Adelson, Department Chair (2017-2020)


Dear Graduating Majors and Minors in German Studies,

Heartfelt congratulations from the entire Department of German Studies on your Cornell graduation and all your extraordinary accomplishments!

These are most unusual circumstances, and although we unfortunately cannot celebrate with you and yours in person right now, we enthusiastically applaud your many tremendous talents, achievements, successes, and future aspirations. Please know that we have seen you and the great things you are capable of. We feel privileged to have met and studied with you, young scholars of such deep intelligence, creativity, responsibility, and resilience.

As you move on in and into the world, we hope you will keep us in mind and keep in touch with Cornell’s vibrant German Studies community. We hope you will continue to venture across supposed dividing lines of languages and cultures. And we hope you will remain active as a member of the global community of German-language speakers. As the 20th-century philosopher Hannah Arendt never got tired of repeating, the world emerges out of relations among people, and with every person missing, a piece of the world goes missing or waits to be actualized. We will miss your welcome presence in Goldwin Smith Hall, and we will remain inspired by our shared work with you in German Studies. Wherever you are, thank you for helping your local and global communities to create a better world.

We are proud to feature these individual profiles of this year’s graduating seniors in German Studies. Please enjoy them and please enjoy these additional Cornell University congratulatory messages honoring the Class of 2020!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Und wir wünschen Ihnen alles, alles Gute für Ihre Zukunft.

With best wishes and celebratory regards from all faculty, staff, and students in the Department of German Studies, 

Elke Siegel, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Incoming Chair

Leslie A. Adelson, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of German Studies and Outgoing Chair

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